Please tick whichever is applicable
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A. Participants are to comply with all rules and regulations governing the Workshop.

B. The Foundation has the right and ,viii keep a work of its choice produced by each participant that attends the Workshop. The aim is to build up II collection which will help develop the artists through exhibitions or publications. Such piece should be signed and dated by the artist. Other works produced by the artists arc to be taken 11,vay within six months after the workshop, otherwise they will be disposed off to decongest the gallery.

C. Participants are to come along with their tools e.g. brushes, palette knives, engraving tools, carving tools, pens, pencils etc.

D. 30% of the proceeds of any craft or artwork sold at the workshop goes to BOF.

E. Certificate of participation would only be issued to participants who are present for at least 70% of the Workshop duration.

F. Workshop fees are to be paid through the bank. Only bank tellers would be received for registration.

G. Both entry for participation and submission of abstract for lectures (presentations) should be n1ade to the Workshop registrar at least 48 hours before date of presentation.

H. Participants are to vacate camp on the last day of the workshop (usually Saturday) to make room for incoming participants for the next session. Failure to vacate immediately may be viewed as an indication by participant to continue in the new session for which such participant is expected to register anew.